Embr.Finance V1 to V2 Migration

2 min readDec 19, 2021

Earlier today it was brought to our attention there was a bug in our MasterChef contract that would allow an attacker to print unlimited EMBR rewards as fast as emissions would allow. Once verifying this attack was real, we paused emissions and froze the swap and alerted users to move their funds while we worked to solve the problem in the safest and best way possible.

How To Migrate From EMBR-OLD to EMBR

Easy Migration

We have made migration to the new contracts easy as possible. If you have a balance of EMBR-OLD/v1 in your balance you will see a Migrate V2 button, after you approve and migrate your V1 tokens will be moved to V2.


Farming rewards will resume at 1AM, about 2 hours from this post. Emissions will never happen from V1 again, the MasterChef has been paused and ownership renounced. The V2 MasterChef farms are up and on the site in the same place the old ones were. Only the farms with an EMBR pair had to be replaced entirely, the stable pools remain in place and rewards will resume soon.


Sorry we let you down here, this was one of our best launches yet to date and I hope this doesn’t deter our users. The only funds lost were pending V1 emissions that hadn’t been harvested yet. We checked and made sure the bug hadn’t been abused as well. We hope you’ll all consider coming back and farming with us now that this has been resolved. Looking back we didn’t need to have everyone remove all their funds but at the time it seemed like the smartest thing to do.


